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Register of public procurement plans

Item No. Customer Name Code of goods, works, services Procurement method Unit of measure Quantity Planned purchase term Status Характеристика
4986563 МТ №5 ш.Хоруг Равгани растани 15411100-3 Tender with unlimited participation Litre (cubic dm) 500 I Bid 1) .
4986565 МТД Гимназияи № 2 БХБ ш. Таъмир ва таҷдиди асосӣ 45453000-7 Tender with unlimited participation Work 1 I Contract in force
4986568 МТ №5 ш.Хоруг Зардолу 03222331-2 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 111 I Bid 1) .
4986570 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Гушти гов 15110000-2 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 2500 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986571 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Гӯшти лахми мург 15112130-6 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 1000 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986573 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Гӯшти мурғ 15112130-6 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 1000 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986574 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Рыба речная 03311000-2 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 850 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986575 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Қанд 15831000-2 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 1000 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986577 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Горох дробленный 03221220-4 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 120 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986578 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Ярмаи чав 15625000-5 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 100 I Procurement implemented 1) ;
2) .
4986579 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Мош 03221211-8 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 200 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986580 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Наск 03212211-2 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 200 I Procurement implemented 1) ;
2) .
4986581 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Лубиё 03221211-8 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 200 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986582 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Нут 03221220-4 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 100 I Procurement implemented 1) ;
2) .
4986583 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Биринҷи дароздона 03211300-6 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 450 I Procurement implemented 1) ;
2) .
4986584 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Биринҷ 03211300-6 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 1000 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986585 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Маҳсулоти макаронӣ 15850000-1 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 800 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986586 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Вермишел 15850000-1 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 100 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986593 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Ярмаи марҷумак 15625000-5 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 800 I Procurement implemented 1) .
4986598 МДТ ЛИТСЕЙИ № 3 ш. ДУШАНБЕ Орди чавӣ 15612120-8 Tender with unlimited participation Kilograms 50 I Procurement implemented 1) ;
2) .