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View application to include into mala-fide registry

Bid No.4752

Status Included in the RMFS

Customer Information
Customer TIN
Customer name
Customer country
User's full name
Азизаи Холис
Customer phone
General information on mala-fide vendor
Vendor country
Vendor TIN
Name of the bid in the State language
ҶДММ "Шерон"
Name of the Supplier in Russian language
ООО "Шерон"
Basis of the (potential) supplier's recognition as mala-fide participant of public procurement
submission of intentionally false information, distortion of facts, deception on qualification data;
Vendor manager information
Manager name
Амонов Ҷамшед Маҳмадуллоевич
Manager's TIN
Information on founders - individuals
Name of the founder Founder TIN
Амонов Чамшед Махмадуллоевич 015203032
Information on founders - legal entities
Name of the organization in the state language Name of the organization in Russian language TIN
Procurement details
Announcement number on the portal
Procurement method
Open competition
Procurement announcement date
2024-04-23 17:04:12
Date of purchase summary
2024-07-11 15:50:00
Scheduled date of exclusion from the registry
2027-06-22 00:00:00
Scanned copy of the document - grounds
Document Author Organisation Date Created Signature
Фармоиши Шерон.pdf Азизаи Холис АХДМКХ назди ҲҶТ 2024-07-04 13:59:09